Merging two cultures into an incredible blend of emotionally charged music, Samuel Oscar is releasing songs that are both extraordinary and sublimely intoxicating. With over 4 million plays on YouTube alone, his debut tracks ‘Leave You’, ‘Dancing In The Moonlight’ and Dance for Us have established Oscar’s credentials on the world stage.

Based in Iceland and blessed with the cultural heritage of Thailand, Samuel has been creating a sound that is undeniably influenced by the melodies of Frank Ocean, Charlie Puth and Kanye West. One of the most isolated countries in the world, Iceland has always had a reputation for producing music that explores the textures of deep, melodic, acoustic pop culture, and Samuel adds to that pedigree with his extraordinary talent.

A multi-instrumentalist playing drums, piano, guitar, bass and the ukulele, his productions effortlessly embrace his soothing vocals which take the listener on to a voyage of unimagined pleasure. The diversity of his upbringing has allowed him to explore a complex tapestry of sounds which result in a beauty expressed in the simplicity of its design.

Accompanied by videos that compliment the raw emotion of his music, Samuel showcases all the creative elements required to engage his ever-growing fan base. From a Chaplin-like performance on ‘Dance For You’, to the deeply introspective ‘Leave You’, his videos triggers all the feelings and sentiment that his wonderful music deserves.

Making music for Samuel is a process filled full of nostalgia and euphoria. Finding that inner spirit that he can freely share with his audience is essential to every note he carefully crafts. That freedom to openly share that message of hope, love, joy and desire underpins the glorious harmonies and outstanding arrangements which sit comfortably alongside those idols he so admires.

Surrounded by the ice and fire of the dramatic Icelandic landscape, Samuel Oscar is redefining the way we feel about music. As the world wakes from its enforced slumber, Samuel will take you on a path to new horizons with such a glorious body of work that you will be forever blessed once discovered. Join him on his journey to the future as his star shines ever brighter on the world stage.